In this blog post, we will discover 12 powerful names of Lakshmi Mata that one can sing to be pleasing goddess Lakshmi and many take the time to read this article thoroughly. Lakshmi, often spelt Laxmi, is also referred to as Shri.
She is one of the critical goddesses of Hinduism. She is the Goddess of fortune, wealth, beauty, power, fertility, and prosperity. And is associated and is associated with Maya (“Illusion”). Together with Parvati and Saraswati, she forms the Tridevi of Hindu goddesses.
In Shaktism, Lakshmi is the Goddess of prosperity or Mother Goddess. Lakshmi is the consort and the spiritual energy (shakti), the Hindu god Vishnu, Vaishnavism’s Godhead, and the sect’s Supreme Goddess.

It aids Vishnu in creating, safeguarding, and transforming the universe. She is a crucial person within Sri Vaishnavism, in which dedication to Lakshmi is essential to attain Vishnu. If Vishnu came to earth as an avatar, Lakshmi was with his consort, such as Sita and Radha or Rukmini as a kind of Vishnu’s consorts characters Rama and Krishna, respectively. The eight most prominent manifestations of Lakshmi and the Ashta lakshmi represent the eight wealthiest sources.
12 powerful names of Lakshmi/Laxmi Mata
People who devote themselves to the Goddess Lakshmi(Laxmi) with these names, that one will enjoy a steady flow of wealth.
- Ishwari-It is believed that Lord Vishnu Ji is the greatest of all gods. Lakshmi Ji is Vishnu Ji’s wife; hence she is known as Ishwari.
- Kamala-It is believed there is a pose of goddess Laxmi Ji is lotus, for the reason she is known as Kamala.
- Lakshmi-the word Lakshmi is a reference to beauty and wealth.
- Chala-Goddess Laxmi Chanchala because she is not in one place, hence her name Chala.
- Bhuti-it is believed that Bhuti refers to happiness and splendour, attributes associated with the Goddess Laxmi. she is also known by the name Bhuti.
- Haripriya-it to be the consort(wife)of Lord Hari; she to as Haripriya.
- Padma-it is believed that Padma kamal is a name called the Devi Laxmi as the Padma. It is to Goddess Laxmi. That’s the reason goddess’ Laxmi called the Padma.
- Padmalaya-Padmalaya means the Goddess to be seated on a lotus.
- Sampada-Sampada is a reference to wealth.
- Rama-the word Rama is a goddess-like beauty, like Laxmi.
- Sri-it means worthy, auspicious, Shobha, Kanti, Saraswati, and these all are the qualities of Goddess Laxmi.
- Padmadharini-it refers to a lotus bloom in the palm.
The worship of the mother goddess has been a standard part of Indian culture since early times. Laxmi is among the mother goddess and in the form of “Mata” (mother) instead of “Devi” (Goddess). Goddess Laxmi is revered by those who want to accumulate or preserve wealth.
The belief is true that Laxmi (wealth) travels only to homes that have clean, where people are hard-working. She doesn’t go to dirty or unclean areas or where people are lazy. She is the energy active of Vishnu. Four hands of her represent her power to grant Four Purusharthas (ends of human existence), Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasures of the flesh) as well as Moksha (beatitude). Images of Laxmi within Jain monuments.
In Buddhist sects from Tibet, Nepal, and Southeast Asia, the Goddess Vasudhara is a mirror of the qualities and traits of the Hindu goddess Laxmi and has slight iconographic variations.
goddess Lakshmi’s birth story
In the Shatapatha Brahmana, written shortly after the Vedas, we read about Lakshmi’s birth. Lakshmi out of the mouths of Prajapati to supply the universe’s inhabitants with food, shelter, clothing, and everything else that makes a living more pleasant. She also spoke of beauty, wisdom, strength, luck, sovereignty, and splendour – the best things in life.
The legend of Lakshmi took on its fullness in the Puranas, which are chronicles of kings, gods, and sages written between 500 to 1500 AD.
In this mythology, it is one of the three principal forms of the supreme Mother Goddess. The other two are Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, and Kali or Durga, the Goddess of power. Lakshmi was depicted as an independent goddess consort of Vishnu, sitting in his lap or at his feet.
Prithvi was the Vedic Goddess of the earth, was transformed into Bhoodevi within the Puranas, and was a representation of Lakshmi. In south India, both goddesses are portrayed as two distinct entities on the sides of Vishnu, Bhoodevi representing tangible wealth, while Lakshmi or Shridevi represents intangible wealth. In north India, the two goddesses merged into one.
Lakshmi is depicted can by Indian art as a gracefully dressed, golden-coloured woman sitting or standing in the position of padmasana on a throne made of lotus. She holds a lotus in her palm, representing fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual freedom.
Her iconography depicts her holding four hands, representing the four elements of the human experience that are significant to Hindu tradition: dharma Kama, Artha, and Moksha. The Lakshmi Sahasranaam from the Skanda Purana, Lakshmi Tantra Markandeya Purana Devi Mahatmya Vedic scriptures speak of Lakshmi as having hands of eight or 18 and as sitting on Garuda the lion or a tigress.
Based on the Lakshmi Tantra, the Goddess Lakshmi is the ultimate form of Maha Sri. She has four arms with a golden hue and holds a citron, a club, a shield, and a vessel with amrita.
The Rebirth story of Goddess Laxmi
Once, Indra Dev was cursed for his inattention (Not anything unusual) and for his wealth and kingdom. The reason was that Durvasa Munivar gave the garland of a unique nature to Indra, who put it upon the elephant’s trunk. The flowers on the bouquet attracted bees; the elephant dropped the wreath and kicked it. Upset Durvasa since the garland to be considered to be the home of Sri.
Durvasa Muni cursed Indra Dev, and his Devas could not regain their power and fortune. Confronting their weaknesses, the Asuras fought an armed struggle in the face of the Devas and gained a complete hold over their kingdom. Indra Dev was unable to help and sought assistance from Lord Vishnu. Since he was known for his compassion, Lord Vishnu offered his service by diplomacy to get power back over the Asuras.
The Devas allied with the Asuras to create a milk ocean that could be churned to obtain the Amritham (Immortality nectar) and share it. In this regard, Mount Mandhara is the rod for churning, and Vasuki snakes as a churning rope. Lord Vishnu was incarnated as an animal and went into the Ocean of Milk rod used to churn carried on his back ocean didn’t fall or collapse under the pressure of Mount Mandhara. This representation of Him is known as Kurma Avatar.
When the milk had been churned, it released a poison later managed by Lord Shiva, who entrapped it in his throat, which led to the name Neelakanta. As the churn continued to turn, there was a release of the following, Ratnas, Dhanvantri, Airavatta, and several other elephants, Kausthubham, Kamadhenu, Goddess Lakshmi, Apsara, Varuni, and many other supernatural things.
Ratnas are divided between Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Asuras, and Devas. Dhanvantri Vaidya to Devas and bringing Amritham. Airavatta and a few other elephants to Indra Dev. Kausthubham Ratna is The most valuable of Vishnu’s Kamadhenu, Goddess Lakshmi, Apsara, Varuni, and many other supernatural phenomena.
Then the Asuras were tricked. Deva’s Goddess of luck devoured the Amritham at their side; they regenerated, resulting in the Asuras’ winning.
who is Mahalaxmi/Mahalakshmi
Within the Tantrik texts, created at the same time with they were the Puranas, Laxmi acquired supreme significance. She was Maha-Laxmi. Ultimate Goddess.
Laxmi is usually distinguished from Maha-Laxmi. The latter is the wife of Vishnu and the Goddess of Wealth; Mahalakshmi is an independent being, the supreme manifestation of the Goddess of motherhood. If she is Maha- Lakshmi, she isn’t portrayed as a gorgeous goddess sitting on a lotus or holding a pot in her hand. She is an unmarried warrior goddess riding in a lion, similar to Durga. This kind of Goddess is particularly loved in Maharashtra.
The ancient Pancharatra texts that praise Maha-Lakshmi believe she is the origin of all creation. At their beginnings, they claim the cosmic soul – the unfathomable Narayana that is unknowable–wanted to create the universe. But he was not equipped with the necessary resources to achieve this. While contemplating the issue, the stagnant energy of his shakti, or his energy, burst out in a blinding light and manifested as Maha-Lakshmi.
Maha-Laxmi threw the seeds of divine desire in her hands and unleashed the creative powers of the universe until all three worlds and all types of life emerged.
The Laxmi Tantra, the Goddess, declares: “I am inherent in the world. It is me; I’m the incinerator. The possibility that manifests. I create myself. I engage myself in activities before letting myself go. I fill all my creations with energy, determination, and awareness. Like the ghee that keeps a flame burning, I nourish all the sensory organs in living creatures through my consciousness.”
Laxmi is the power of God that transforms fantasies into realities. She is Prakriti, the ideal creation that is self-sufficient and completely self-contained. Maya is a beautiful illusion, the dreamlike manifestation of divinity that makes life understandable, which is why it’s worth living. She is shakti. Her energy is unlimited and abundant.
To realize her, she is to be enthralled by the splendours of the world.
In Vaishnava tradition, Mahalakshmi is considered the lady of the God Lord Vishnu as the one way to attain Narayana (Vishnu) and reach Moksha, which means to escape the perpetual cycles of birth, and dying. In this way, she represents the significant aspect of nature. She symbolizes compassion and righteousness and is also closely associated with Vishnu.
Vishnu is here the father figure, and Laxmi is the mother figure. Forgiveness for crimes committed (breaking Dharma) has to be granted through Vishnu. Goddess Laxmi assists each devotee in pleading their case. This is why famous Vaishnava saints such as Vedanta Desika state that it is easy to reach Lord Vishnu via Goddess Laxmi.
How to please Goddess Lakshmi(Laxmi)
Lakshmi Puja takes place on the 3rd day of Diwali. Goddess Lakshmi represents wealth and prosperity. The festival during the Amavasya, the day of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu month of Ashwin. The belief is that Goddess Lakshmi is seen with her devotees and bestows gifts and blessings on them during this time.
The Goddess is blessed with four hands, representing kama, Dharma, Artha, and Moksha. As goddess Lakshmi is a clean goddess, worshippers take care to clean and decorate their homes and prepare delicious food as a bog. In Lakshmi Puja, five gods are worshipped.
Ganesha is worshipped because Ganesha is believed to be the removal of obstacles. Kubera is the God of treasure and three Goddesses, namely Lakshmi Mahalakshmi, the Mahalakshmi (wealthy and affluent Goddess), and Mahasaraswati (Goddess of learning and books) as well as Mahakali.
What is The Time for Laxmi Puja?
The entire ritual and the Laxmi puja are significant when performed at the most appropriate moment during the day. Before beginning the ceremony and celebration, you can search for your Shubh Muhurat with Choghadiya for Laxmi Puja.
When is Laxmi Puja 2022?
Kojagari Lakshmi Puja Westbengal date-Sunday 9 October.
Why is Laxmi Puja Done On Diwali?
Diwali, also known as the celebration of the lights, is a celebration that is mainly dedicated to the Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi refers to the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. She gives her devotees abundance and wealth. Lakshmi Puja occurs on the day of Diwali when devotees chant prayers for the prosperity and happiness of their families.
What is Laxmi Puja Item List
Things You Need to Do for Lakshmi Puja On Diwali
Roli, Akshat (Raw whole grain rice that is not cooked), Puja ki Thali Flowers Garland, Dhoop stick, Scent, Idol or Photo Of the Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha as well as Goddess Saraswati. A Red fabric, A Chowki, Supari, Coriander seeds, Cotton seeds, Lotus Flower Seeds dry whole turmeric, silver coin Sweets, and some money notes.
How to Do Laxmi Puja and Diwali Dev Puja?
The Lakshmi puja ritual includes the installation of the gods of Maa Laxmi, Goddess Saraswati, and Lord Ganesha on the top of a pedestal, covered in red cloth on the right-hand side. Then, the offerings are desserts and vermillion rice, and Bhog. After that, Laxmi Aarti is performed, following which the entire home is lit with small lighting (Diyas).
Put the chowki at your spot of puja. Place a red cloth over it. Put a picture or idol of the goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Lord Ganesha. Put three heaps of uncooked rice before Goddess Lakshmi’s photo of the Lord Vishnu, Kuber, and Indra.
Lighting a lamp is an excellent way to begin puja. The lamp must be in the dark for the duration. Also, glow the dhoop sticks. Then, invoke Lord Ganesha to appear and eliminate any obstacles in the course of Lakshmi puja. Set a tilak of Roli and Akshat on the forehead of the Lord Ganesha. Bring flowers, fragrances, and sweets. (Naivedya) and an earthen lamp to the Lord Ganesha.
Then begin Lakshmi puja. Place Tilak of rice and roll upon the temple of goddess Lakshmi. Bring flowers, scents, sweets, dhoop, and earth (Deepak) lamps for Goddess Lakshmi. Present the coriander seed, cotton seeds whole turmeric in dry form silver coins and notepads for currency, support, and the source of lotus flowers in honour of Goddess Lakshmi.
Ask Lord Vishnu to be reunited alongside Goddess Lakshmi. Bring flowers, scents, and sweets. Fruits and an earthen lamp Lord Vishnu. Ask Lord Kuber to join with Goddess Lakshmi and to bless the world with world wealth. Honour God Kuber by offering earthen candles, fragrance flowers, dhoop, and sweets.
Prayer to Lord Indra to appear and bring the world prosperity. Praise God Indra by offering fragrance flowers, dhoops, sweets, and an earthen candle. Then, you should worship Goddess Saraswati. Place Tilak on her forehead, and apply Akshat to it. Give flowers, scent, sweets, dhoop, and an earthen lamp—prayer for divine knowledge and guidance in your life.
Then, offer worship to the Elephants in the picture. Donate a pair of sugarcane to the elephants worshipped by Goddess Lakshmi. Finish the Puja with Lakshmi aarti.
If you want to perform Japa to the mantra of Maa Lakshmi, then the most simple and powerful mantra is “Shreem Swaha.” The mantra should be recited a minimum of 108 times.
How to Celebrate Laxmi Puja?
Laxmi Puja celebrations and rituals are associated with various patterns and ceremonies starting early in the morning. The devotees have to rise early in the morning and prepare to greet Goddess Lakshmi at their residence. It falls on the date of Amavasya. Some people receive to receive blessings from their ancestral ancestors and even do Shradh.
Following this, the devotees start tidying their homes and then decorating every corner and nook of their home. The decorations are created with Ashoka leaves, marigold flowers, banana leaves, and mango leaves.
Rangoli is an additional element in Deepawali decorations. The front door of the house is decorated with gorgeous Rangolis. Additionally, the entrance is decorated by the two Mangal Kalash covered with unpeeled coconuts since this is believed to be extremely promising in the Hindu faith.
The Importance of the Vaibhav Lakshmi Puja Vrat
It is widely believed that those who practice Vaibhav Lakshmi with sincerity and trust will achieve what they wish. Men and women can observe this swearing. According to the vow, the Vrat will be kept on 11 or 21 Fridays. The Vrat is celebrated only on Fridays only. The devotee must observe a fast when participating in the Vrat. The devotee must eat vegetarian food once a day or the lovely meal served to the Goddess while performing the Vrat.
If, for whatever reason, the Vrat is not able to be observed in any way, for instance, the inability to touch it, such as death that occurs family of the devotee or travelling, the Vrat may be celebrated the following Friday at the home that the devout. Successful ritual of the Vrat, on the 11th or 21st Friday, by the moment of the oath, it is decided that the Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat publications are handed out to 7,11, 21, or 101 women. This means that the Vrat of Vaibhava Lakshmi will be spread out, and Goddess Lakshmi will be extremely content.
Vaibhav Lakshmi Puja Vrat Vidhi(process)
On the days of Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat Vidhi, the bathing ritual is performed in the morning, a Friday. According to Shastras, the practice of observing the Vrat is to be carried out. Puja is performed, cleaning the area, the picture of ShriYantra that is believed to be an embodiment of Goddess Lakshmi is scrubbed, and Chandan, kumkum, is used at the start of the puja. The Vaibhav Lakshmi fast is observed, and the devotee stays on a strict fast throughout the day.
The Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat Procedure Is as Follows:
The Vaibhava Lakshmi Vrat ritual starts by saluting or paying tribute in honour of “Shree Yantra.” The devotee is supposed to bow his head in front of it and then place his hand’s eyes. The devotee then bows before the eight avatars of Goddess Lakshmi. The various incarnations of the Goddess Lakshmi are as the following:
- 1.Dhan Lakshmi or the manifestation of VaibhavaLakshmi
2.ShriGajaLakshmi Goddess
3.ShriAdhiLakshmi Goddess
4.ShriVijayaLakshmi Goddess
5.ShriAishvaryaLakshmi Goddess - 6.Shree VeeraLakshmi Goddess
7.ShriDhanyaLakshmi Goddess
8.ShriSantanLakshmi Goddess
The first method: For the Vaibhav Lakshmi Vratvidhi, a plain red cloth is laid before the Yantra. A small amount of rice is placed over the fabric. Then, brass or copper Kalash (a vessel with a pot shape) filled with water is put on the rice spread.
A smaller cup (Arghyam cup) filled with silver or gold coins is set upon the Kalash. One rupee coin could be used instead of a silver or gold coin. Then, a sandalwood paste is applied to the currency, and Kalash is applied to the cash. Red flowers are also available.
Second Method: A copper or brass plate filled with rice is set on top of”the “Yantra.” A Kalash filled with water is put on the rice plate. Coconut and mango leaves are also added to the top of the Kalash. A piece of red fabric is wrapped over the Kalash. Then, kumkum and sandalwood paste is applied to the coconut and the Kalash.
The Following Slokas Are Recited:
- Shri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam.
- Lakshmi Sthavana Shlokaha (This is a sloka that is chanted to praise the Goddess, Lakshmi). It is performed while praying to the ornaments.
- Lakshmi Gayatri
- Prarthana
- Shri Lakshmi Kavachaha
Neivedyam offered:– In Vaibhav Lakshmi Vratvidhi, following the singing of the slokas, Neivedyam is presented to the Goddess Lakshmi.
Some of the following are provided as Neivedyams:
- Betel Leaves, betel nut
- Coconut, along with other fruits
- A sweet dessert is served that could include jaggery, rice payasam (rice pudding), or Kheer.
- Panchamrutham (a blend of dry Grapes and dates honey, jaggery, and honey).
ShriMahalakshmiAarati:– For doing this Arti, a small lamp containing ghee is lit, and this Deepam is shown to the Kalasam Then, the camphor is burned, and Mahaaaarathi is complete.
Goddess Laxmi Mantra
- Lakshmi Beej Mantra-Om Shring Shriye Namah
2.Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra-Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om
3.Mahalakshmi Mantra-Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah | Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om